Saturday, 6 December 2014

Good TO you or Good FOR you

I thought it might be good FOR you to look at something that seems to cause some confusion.

I also thought I would be good TO you and expand on the differences in the use of TO and FOR.

What FOR you might ask? TO teach us what these prepositions are used FOR or TO send us TO the crazy farm?

No my friends. None of this. These two prepositions are usually quite simple to understand, once you get used to their purpose. But I digress. The first part of this post is all about what is good FOR and good TO.


In the first part of my opening sentence I used GOOD FOR YOU
This structure talks about what might be beneficial to you, something that is meant to be helpful. This describes the results of an act in much the same way as `It must have been HORRIBLE FOR her to find her car had been stolen` describes how bad someone must have felt.

In the next part I used, GOOD TO YOU, to describe my personal desire to be kind and helpful to you. I, we, you, they, he or she can be helpful TO you by treating you kindly and well. 

A CAR or an EXERCISE cannot be GOOD TO you because they are not able to perform acts of any type. They can be good FOR you by being beneficial to you.. 

Being GOOD TO SOMEONE is an act performed by people on other people. We can also express similar ideas by using KIND TO, NICE TO, BAD TO, HORRIBLE TO, NASTY TO as well as many others.

BULLYING is really HORRIBLE FOR people when other people are HORRIBLE TO them. 

It might be GOOD FOR you to be BETTER TO other people.


My next post will continue along a similar theme by trying to illustrate how very differently we use TO and FOR

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