Friday, 3 April 2015

Rob vs Steal

You can NOT STEAL a person.
You can ROB a person by STEALING the things that person has.
 - You might KIDNAP a person, as you would when you take that person against their will to someplace and then demand money for their return.
 - You might STEAL a baby. In this case the Baby is the object of value taken from the person.

You can NOT STEAL a Bank. The Bank is too large to carry (usually)
 - You ROB banks when you STEAL money from them. (Usually called a HOLD-UP)

If you STEAL a car, you take the car and all the contents.
If you ROB a car, you take only the objects from it.

That is it. Think of stealing in the way it is described above and it might become a little easier to differentiate between STEALING and ROBBING

( Here are some references;
A ROBBER ROBS or STEALS by ROBBING people or STEALING from people.
A THIEF STEALS from people or ROBS people by ROBBING them or STEALING from them.)

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