Esquecer - left forgotten
It isn't usual for English speakers to say, I forgot something AT A PLACE. When we use a PLACE reference, we wish to say WHERE we were when we forgot something.
It is more correct to say either, I LEFT something at a PLACE or I forgot something WHEN I was at a PLACE.
I forgot something at home MEANS I forgot something When I was at home. We don;t necessarily mean that the forgotten thing was at home.
(Note. This is a mistake some English speakers make, and it tends to lead to all types of confusion)
Frank Sinatra said it best, I LEFT my heart in San Fransisco.
Pais - Parents
Familiar - Family
The first time I heard this I was really confused when someone told me they had 10 Parents living in Sao Paulo.
In English, a Parent can only be your Mother or Father. We have Grandparents and Stepparents which fulfill similar roles. Parents are not our Uncles and Aunts, nor our Nieces, nephews or cousins. These we refer to as Family or Relatives. Your Mothers large family of 6 brothers and 5 sisters are all your relatives. Their extended families are often reffered to as Distant relatives.
For older generations we begin with Grandparent, then their parents are referred to, by us, as Great grandfather (Mother etc) and Great, Great, Great for each generation that preceeds theirs.
In Brazil it isn;t uncommon for us to hear a relatively young woman saying she is a greatgrandmother. She means that here Granddaughter(or son) has had a child.
While on this subject let;s look at another awkward set of family terms.
The term STEP as in Step Mother, Step Father or Step children, refers to the Mother or Father or Children who are not yours by blood but through remarriage when two families become united under one family..
This is not to be confused with FOSTER (Mother, Father, Children) which is part of a social program designed to provide, usually temporarily, a family environment for mostly children, when their own environment is compromissed.
Brazil has a strong religious trait to it which means that it is not uncommon for families to invite friends to be their children;s GOD PARENTS. They are referred to as GOD MOTHERS and GOD FATHERS to their GOD CHILDREN (GOD DAUGHTER or GOD SON)
Filhos - Sons, Children
While the translation is correct, the words Filhos is also used to mean children. This leans to a lot of confusion. In questions like, Do you have any Sons (already a strange first question). When you answer, Yes, 2 sons and a Daughter. The normal understanding would be, Oh, so you have 3 sons.
After some time the speaker begins to understand the term children and can relate to that concept when the children are young.
Then they talk to a much older person and revert to How many sons do you have.
The concept of Child - crianca, is for young and small members of your Family
In English, a child is a small and young human, but your children are your off-spring as well. Your children are born and remain YOUR children, even when they grow up. They will always be YOUR children, not simply children. How many Children do you have. I have 2 sons who are both married and a daughter who is teaching at Univeristy.
Compromisso - Commitment
Compromise does NOT mean Commit. To compromise means to find a middle ground in negotiations. You reach a compromise when you agree to less than you requested, understanding that the other party has also done the same. Commonly called a win - win solution.
Indicar - Recommend, Nominate
I have seen the two films that were INDICATED for the Oscar - IS WRONG. I have seen the two films that were NOMINATED for the Oscar is how this is said.
The new Manager was INDICATED by a friend of mine - IS WRONG. The new manager was RECOMMENDED by a friend of mine is the way you should say this.
Escrever - Subscribe, Enrol
Emprestar - lend
Tomar emprestado - borrow
Tomar emprestado - borrow
Take - tomar
Levar - get
Avoid vs Prevent
Avoid vs Prevent
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