Saturday, 11 April 2015

Recommend - Commitment

Compromisso - Commitment
Compromise does NOT mean Commit. To compromise means to find a middle ground in negotiations. You reach a compromise when you agree to less than you requested, understanding that the other party has also done the same. Commonly called a win - win solution.

Indicar - Recommend, Nominate
I have seen the two films that were INDICATED for the Oscar - IS WRONG. I have seen the two films that were NOMINATED for the Oscar is how this is said.

The new Manager was  INDICATED by a friend of mine - IS WRONG. The new manager was RECOMMENDED by a friend of mine is the way you should say this.

Escrever - Subscribe, Enrol

Emprestar - lend
Tomar emprestado - borrow

Take - tomar
Levar - get

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